Target Group (目标群体):

Suitable for students in Year 3 at day schools



Year 3 English

From Year 3, students are expected to develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in their English classes. Each unit is focused on one type of writing style, starting from reading the sample passage of this writing style, followed by learning grammar, spelling and sentence structures. Students are expected to understand how to recognize the style of writing, how the writing is structured and what features of the writing are in active in-class discussions and exercises. Apart from face-to-face learning commitment at school, students are also required to do some homework to consolidate what they have learnt on weekends. In the Semester 2 of Year 3, students are supposed to read an English novel under the instruction of their teachers to enlarge their vocabulary and develop the habit of reading regularly.



Year 3 Math

Students in Year 3 Math classes will keep on learning the skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have a further taste of fractions, decimals, chances and data in mathematical games and exercises. They are also expected to develop further understanding of space, length, area, volume, mass, temperature and time stimulated by everyday-life topics. In the Semester 2 of Year 3, students will start learning how to solve math problems by using strategies and problem-solving skills. Apart from face-to-face learning commitment at school, students are also required to do some homework to consolidate what they have learnt on weekends.



Classes offered / 级详情


Learning Materials / 教材: